Posts tagged Fibromyalgia
A Chronic Entrepreneur: Alecia Hancock

Alecia is a driven consultant and public speaker based in Perth. Alecia has put together her love and skills for writing and teaching to support like-minded businesses reach their goals and make a positive impact in the world we live in.  After years of experiencing symptoms but getting no answers or explanations, she was finally diagnosed with Bahcet’s Disease, an auto-immune disorder that causes blood vessel inflammation throughout the body. Most recently, Alecia was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder characterised by widespread pain accompanied by fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. What some may have taken as a red-light in life, Alecia took as an opportunity to utilize her strengths and help others change the world for the better. 

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Zoe Simmons

Zoe Simmons has been searching for a proper diagnosis for years. After an incredibly extensive period of uncertainty, she finally has some answers. But her diagnosis journey is not over - and she is still investigating other possible chronic conditions, which cause her consistent pain and fatigue. Despite this, Zoe is a successful journalist; SEO copywriter; editor and author. First published at only 16 years of age, Zoe has written for numerous well known publications including Daily Mail,, Kidspot, Popsugar Australia, Herald Sun, and the Daily Telegraph, among others. She’s even writing a book on her town’s survival in the Black Summer Bushfires!

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Kere Baker

Kere Baker is one of those humans who has an infectious personality, optimistic soul and wholehearted approach to life. She has built a lifestyle and a life, alongside multiple chronic illnesses, of which you’ll find out more about, and some incredibly hard moments that are hard to put into words which is why we’ll leave it to Kere to share her story in the way that feels right below

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Khadine Aharon

Khadine Aharon has always been an entrepreneur and she’s always been passionate about supporting others in living and feeling their best. Early on she founded her own massage therapy practice, however at age 25, she was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia, which meant she could not longer continue providing the services she loved. Instead, she went on to study further in her mission to support, heal and empower others and 21 years on, she’s the founder of Embrace Empowerment – where she provides service sin energetic healing (such as Emotional Freedom Techniques) and colour therapy.

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Jo Gifford

Jo Gifford is an expert in creative thinking and content creation. In her words, she helps ‘awesome peeps show the world their brilliance without #samesame syndrome and biz BS.’ After burning out and breaking down at age 29, Jo was forced to step back and tune into her body. Since then, she’s embraced her entrepreneurism and crafted a life that works for her and her chronics, not the other way around. With a passion for making things easier and finding joy in life, she’s the creator of the Brilliance Ignition Process and founder of the Brilliance Hub.

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A Chronic Entrepreneur: Tina McDonald

Tina McDonald is the founder of Avalanche Coaching where she offers services in professional coaching and mentoring for businesses and individuals wanting to explore and reach their potential. When she was in a car accident that further aggravated her conditions, she realised something had to give. That’s when Tina made the decision to prioritise her family and her health, and left her job. What followed was her entrepreneurism which allowed Tina, in her words, to work alongside her conditions, not against them. Now, she makes time for her rewarding career in coaching, alongside making time for her family and listening to her body. Find out more and read Tina’s story below.

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